

Fibroadenoma is a common non-cancerous breast lump that predominantly affects individuals between the ages of 15 and 35. Though benign, it can occur at any age and in anyone who menstruates. In this blog, we will delve into the essential aspects of fibroadenomas, including their symptoms, causes, potential complications and homoeopathic management.


Fibroadenomas are characterized by their distinct features, which include:

  • Round shape with smooth borders
  • Easy mobility within the breast tissue
  • Firm or rubbery texture
  • Generally painless, though some discomfort may occur a few days before menstruation
    Size ranging around 1 inch (2.5 centimeters)
  • Fibroadenomas can manifest in one or both breasts. They may appear as solitary lumps or multiple growths. Although their growth is slow and often painless, some larger fibroadenomas might cause discomfort upon touch.


The exact cause of fibroadenomas remains unknown, but hormonal influences are thought to play a significant role. The lumps might be linked to the hormones that regulate menstrual cycles. Less common variants of fibroadenomas, including complex fibroadenomas, giant fibroadenomas, and phyllodes tumors, have distinct characteristics and growth patterns.


  • Complex Fibroadenomas:
    These fibroadenomas can grow over time and exert pressure on nearby breast tissues. Though not necessarily cancerous, they can cause discomfort and necessitate medical attention.
  • Giant Fibroadenomas:
    Giant fibroadenomas are larger than 2 inches (5 centimeters) and grow rapidly. Their size can impact surrounding tissues and alter breast shape. Prompt evaluation is crucial to rule out potential complications.
  • Phyllodes Tumors:
    These tumors share similarities with fibroadenomas but differ under microscopic examination. Phyllodes tumors may grow faster and occasionally harbor cancerous cells. While most phyllodes tumors are benign, some have the potential to become cancerous or coexist with cancer cells.
  • Breast Cancer Risk:
    Classic fibroadenomas are generally not associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. However, complex fibroadenomas and phyllodes tumors may slightly elevate the risk. Regular breast examinations and medical follow-ups are essential to monitor any changes in these conditions.

Homoeopathic management

Homeopathic management of fibroadenoma aims to support the body’s natural healing processes and address the underlying imbalances that might contribute to the condition. It’s important to note that homeopathy is a holistic approach and treatment is individualized based on the person’s overall health, symptoms, and constitution. Always consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner before starting any treatment. Here are a few homeopathic remedies that are sometimes considered for fibroadenoma:

  • CALCAREA CARBONICA: Excellent medicine for Fibroadenoma of the Breast in obese women who are tired, anxious, and perspiring profusely. Good for the calcification of fibroadenomas and also for their inflammatory condition. Breast swells and becomes tender before menses. Lumps that are hard, nodular, and tender to touch are well treated by this medicine. Acts well in breast lumps of young teenagers who are pale, chilly, and sensitive to cold weather. Confused, depressed, and sad women with breast lumps.
  • IODUM: Effective remedy for all kinds of breast lumps. The breast is inflamed, hard, enlarged, and nodular. Cases of malabsorption make the patient emaciated and weak. Although the patient is weak he wants to eat all the time. Eating well still emaciates. The patient is very hot.
  • BOVISTA: A great remedy for breast tumors with stitching pains in the left breast. The pain extends from the breast to the underarms. Too early and profuse menstruation. Sharp shooting pain in left breast which increases with pressure.
  • CALCAREA FLOUR: Calcarea Fluor is the best Homeopathic medicine for treating Fibroadenoma of the breast where the nodes are as hard as a stone. Calcarea Fluor has a strong tendency to dissolve these hard knots in the breast. Wonderful results follow the use of Calcarea Fluor in women with stony hard nodes in the breast. These Breast Fibroadenomas get smaller and the hard lumps get softened, followed by complete disappearance with the use of the Homeopathic Medicine Calcarea Fluor. One of the quick-acting remedies for Fibroadenoma Breast. For hard, solitary, movable, well-defined breast lumps. Ambi-thermal. Aggressive, violent, and obese women with degenerative changes in the joints.
  • CONIUM: Conium is of great help in treating glandular affections. Conium can be used with excellent results to treat tumors in mammary glands. Conium is preferred in cases where nodes in the breast are present with pain in the breast before and during menstruation or periods. The pain usually gets worse upon touching. Homeopathic medicine Conium helps in treating both the cyclical appearance of breast pain around the menstrual nisus and also the diminution of breast nodes.
  • PHYTOLACCA: Phytolacca is a natural Homeopathic medicine that can be very beneficial for the treatment of Fibroadenoma of the breast when inflammation of the breast is associated with it. The breast is extremely sensitive, hard, and painful. The glands in the armpits may also get enlarged. In such cases, the Homeopathic medicine Phytolacca provides a great helping hand in reducing the inflammation and pain in the breast initially, followed by the complete disappearance of hardness.
  • GRAPHITES: Graphites is a Homeopathic medicine that is of great help in treating Fibroadenoma in the breast. Homeopathic medicine Graphites is the best pick for treating tumors in the breast that arise from some old scars in the breast. Old scars may have remained after the healing of the abscess in the breast. Graphites work very efficiently in the dissipation of these tumors. The tumors, as well as the scars, disappear with this Homeopathy remedy.
  • Bellis Perennis: When there’s soreness and bruised feeling in the breasts, Bellis Perennis might be indicated. It’s often used post-surgery or injury.
  • Thuja Occidentalis: If there’s a history of suppressed or irregular menstruation, Thuja might be considered. It’s also used for various types of growths and nodules.
  • Lapis Albus: This remedy may be considered when there’s a feeling of coldness or icy-cold sensation in the breasts, along with nodular formations.
  • SCROPHULARIA NODOSA: Scrophularia Nodosa is a rare but very significant Homeopathic medicine that can be used for dissolving tumors, lumps, nodes, or indurations in breasts. This medicine is mainly used in tincture form. Scrophularia Nodosa is an extremely powerful Homeopathic medicine to dissolve and get rid of breast tumors. This Homeopathic medicine is absolutely safe with no side effects.
  • PULSATILLA: Homeopathic medicine for nodes in the breast plus menstrual irregularities
    Pulsatilla is a natural Homeopathic medicine that can be taken when nodes in the breast are accompanied by menstrual irregularities. The main menstrual irregularity noticed is suppressed menses for a long duration or scanty menses. Pulsatilla is of much help for girls at puberty suffering from lumps or nodes in the breast.
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